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Explorers Nursery

Table Of Contents

About Us

The nursery operates tailored programs for children aged 2 to 4 years, fostering growth and exploration. We aim to ensure that all children will develop confidence and independence through making choices which will positively affect their learning and life decisions. We want to be true partners with you in your children’s care and education. Every child will be assigned a key person who will be responsible for liaising with you and implementing the care of your child; in the event of their absence, each key person has a buddy. We want you to be assured that your child is safe and secure.

Address: Explorers Nursery, Priory Children's Centre, Cannon Road, Ramsgate, CT11 9SQ (Google Map)
Telephone: 01843 585535

We are open from 8:45am until 3:30pm and will be as flexible as we can to meet your needs.

Whilst parents have the right to choose what hours their children attend the nursery, these are subject to availability.

Our Totally FREE Funding Patterns:

15 hours free funding: 8.45am -11.45am x 5 days
15 hours free funding: 12.30pm - 3.30pm x 5 days (a mixture of sessions are available)
30 hours free funding: 9.00am - 3.00pm x 5 days (30 hours funding to be applied for before end of August, December, March)

Ofsted Rating

Best Practice and Nursery Policies

If you wish to know how we look after your child in all possible scenarios, then please read the documents on our Policies and Procedures page.


Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) can affect a child or young person’s ability to learn. They can affect their:

  • behaviour or ability to socialise, for example they struggle to make friends

  • reading and writing, for example because they have dyslexia

  • ability to understand things

  • concentration levels, for example because they have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

  • physical ability

We allow the child to settle into the nursery routine and whilst they are settling the Key Person is making observations and assessments. If a concern is observed, the child’s Key Person will speak directly to the setting SENCO and a meeting will be arranged between the SENCO, Key Person and parent to discuss these concerns.

If a parent has their own concerns about their child, this is generally discussed during the settling in period. During the settles, the parent will have many opportunities to speak to the Manager and Key Person.

For children who has been attending the nursery for several months, daily conversations would be had during collection and drop-off which would give parents further opportunities to discuss their own concerns. A face to face meeting could then be arranged.
2. How will I be informed / consulted about the ways in which my child is being supported?

The setting SENCO and Key Person, under the guidance of the manager, will oversee the education and development of the child where there are concerns. Outside professional help will be sought following parents’ permission. The setting will take advice from the professionals and the setting will discuss this with the parent. The parent will be invited to attend any meetings and are given copies of any reports, target plans and/or personalised plans, so both home and nursery can work together supporting the child.

The individual roles of the people involved in the care, learning and development of the child will be explained to parents during the process of obtaining extra support for the child and in meetings arranged with the parent by the setting.

The nursery has worked for many years alongside the same professionals and specialist and we measure how effective this advice has been by the professional agencies by the progress made by children already receiving support.
3. How will the setting adapt the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum for my child's needs?

The EYFS is adapted to meet all children’s individual needs. This ensures all children are given the same opportunities to be included in the same activities and can learn alongside their peers, whatever their additional need. Activities are differentiated and provided at a level the child understands. In addition, a child with SEND needs would have a personalised plan that outlines their needs and gives advice and strategies to staff to enable them to support the child effectively. 
 4. What teaching strategies does the setting use for children with additional needs or learning difficulties?

Staff will request a meeting with the parent if they need to discuss any concerns or if they have any information they need to give the parent. Parents can also request a meeting anytime if they have concerns or need an update and this can be arranged as soon as possible. Parents can have a conversation with staff on collection time but may have to wait until the Key Person or SENCO have seen all other children out safely. There are also opportunities for regular contact about things that have happened at the nursery each day through a communication book.

The setting carries out regular observations on children whilst they are working alongside them. The observations feed into the planning of activities and through the activities, children are assessed according to their stage of development. Children’s progress is shared with parents via a termly report. Open evenings where parents can come and talk to their child’s Key Person are also arranged three times a year.

If a SEND child has a personalised plan in place, this is shared with the parent after any reviews that take place in the academic year. This gives parents an opportunity to be part of their child’s personalised plan and to input towards any targets and to discuss progress made.

On induction to the nursery, parents are given a leaflet that explains the EYFS and a link is provided so parents can download a copy of Development Matters. This link is also available on our website. A personalised plan also outlines specific targets and aims the child should be working towards and any next steps.

5. What additional support does the setting provide for children with additional needs or SEND?
Children with SEND and complex medical needs are risk assessed after the nursery has been able to gather information from parents and professionals about the child’s medical condition. A Care Plan is then put into place, and this is written with the parent who has an opportunity to guide staff and advise on the care of their own child. We may invite a medical nurse into a staff meeting to share his/her medical knowledge and if necessary to provide any specific training to staff where needed to care for the child effectively.

The setting has a Behavioural Management policy and procedure which is shared with all parents. This promotes positive strategies to encourage the child to follow nursery rules and boundaries. If a child is identified as needing further support an Antecedents Behaviour Consequences (ABC) Observation sheet is used to identify triggers to behaviour. Once the triggers are identified the nursery will act on the trigger e.g., make all staff aware, change a part of the routine, avoid certain situations, etc if this is necessary to manage the behaviour. For more severe behavioural issues, a meeting is called with the parent and an agreed behaviour plan is then put into place. The parent receives a copy and agrees to follow the plan at home so both the nursery and parent can provide stable care and the management of any behaviour issues is consistent for the child, avoiding any mixed messages.

Older children or children who are able to participate in Social Stories could contribute towards their own behaviour plan.
 6. How will the setting monitor my child's progress and how will I be involved in this?
The setting has its own qualified Named SENCO which has a regard to the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice. With parents’ permission, the SENCO will contact and involve other professionals outside the setting to get involved in the care and education of the child if this is the best outcome for the child.
7. How do you ensure children with additional needs or SEND can be included in the same activities as other children, including trips?
Augmented support would be used to support the child with SEND to access nursery provision including trips out of setting. In addition, trips outside the setting will require a current and updated risk assessment and extra staff would be provided to support all children as well as close supervision for the SEND child. Parents would also can attend the outing if they would like to volunteer or if they are concerned.

8.The setting has wheelchair access and disabled toilets to support children or adults with mobility difficulties.
9. How will you support my child’s transition to a new setting or school?

A transition meeting will be set up with the school and all information will be shared with the school SENCO. Any equipment belonging to the child that assists their disability will be passed on to the school. We would make any reasonable adjusts to the setting if this is necessary to meet the needs of the child.

To prepare the child for joining the nursery the parent will be shown around the nursery and a discussion will take place regarding the child’s needs, the environment etc. The parent will be fully involved with their own child’s transition into nursery. This may involve more settle in sessions for the child to ensure they feel safe and secure and ready for nursery.

We will also invite a medical nurse into a staff meeting to share his/her medical knowledge and if necessary to provide any specific training to staff where needed to care for the child effectively from the outset.
If a parent has English as an additional language, we will attempt to communicate with them through gestures and signs. We would translate any nursery literature into their first language where possible. In the past we have asked parents who have the same first language but who speaks English.
 10. How does the setting assess the overall effectiveness of its SEN provision and how can parents / carers take part in this evaluation?
The setting has been using certain strategies to measure the overall quality and impact of their SEN practice and what we deliver. These include building relationships, adapting the environment, managing sensory stimulation, changing communication strategies, providing prompts and cues like now and next boards, visual timelines, and PEC cards, using a teach, review such as an attention bucket, and developing social skills. The success of these strategies is reviewed and evaluated and at the same time we measure its impact by how much progress children are making and how quickly. Support for children with SEN comes from a shared understanding from a qualified SENCO who involves the staff team, so they are knowledgeable about what they are delivering and why. Parents are involved and encouraged to take part through meetings, observations and regular discussions.
11. Who should I contact if I am considering registering for a place at the setting?

Parents who are considering registering for a place at the nursery should contact the setting directly either by calling or emailing.
12.What arrangements does the setting have for feedback from parents / carers, including compliments and complaints?
Parents are involved in their child’s care and learning through the regular meetings with the setting SENCO as well as with the outside professionals. Staff consider the parent to be the expert in the care of their own child and their expertise and advice will be sought throughout the time the child is attending the setting. The setting will not make any decisions about the child’s care or change any targets, without talking to the parents or outside professionals involved first.  Outside professionals tend to visit regularly to observe the child at play and to review whether the strategies being provided by the nursery is having an impact. At the same time, staff can share with the parent and outside professionals if things are not working as well in the setting as expected or if the child is not making progress.

Nursery Session Times

A healthy packed lunch for your child will need to be provided if attending over lunchtime.


8:45 – 11:45


11:45 - 12:30


12:30 - 3:30

All Day

8:45 - 3:30

Nursery Prices

Please find below the costs for all of our sessions, and note that there is no administration charge.

8.45 - 11.45 (morning session)
3-4 years old = £20.40, 2 years old = £21.00, under 2 years old = £21.60

11.45 - 12.30 (lunchtime session)
3-4 years old = £5.10, 2 years old = £5.25, under 2 years old = £5.40

12.30 - 3.30 (afternoon session)
3-4 years old = £20.40, 2 years old = £21.00, under 2 years old = £21.60

Nursery Staff

Clair Jones
Nursery Manager
Karen Norton
Deputy Manager

Parents in Partnership

At TEYP, fostering strong partnerships with parents is paramount. Download our Parent Partnership agreement to outline mutual expectations, ensuring the best care and enriching experiences for your child.
Download Agreement


We looked at several nurseries across Ramsgate and the wider Thanet area when we first moved. Walking into Explorers was a breath of fresh air – it was immediately clear that it was a really supportive environment with a very inclusive, positive ethos. The warmth and friendliness shone through, but so too did the professionalism of the team: within minutes they were explaining how their approach best supported early child development, while allowing the children to direct their own play and creativity. We have not been disappointed since.

Our daughter has now been at Explorers for almost a year and a half, starting in the younger room and now progressing to the 3s and up. She’s really at ease there, she loves the activity and stimulation and we’ve been amazed at her progress. Her language, literacy and numeracy all seem to be coming along without it being overly-prescribed through the activities she enjoys. Her confidence keeps growing and growing there.

Explorers is simply a very nurturing environment and it’s testament to the hard work from its passionate and dedicated staff. They are responsive to the kid’s needs but also to their creativity and ambitions. I remember dropping my daughter off one morning and she asked one of the staff if they could do a conga dance. The staffer immediately took on board the suggestion with enthusiasm and positivity, and sure enough, my daughter told me at the end of the day how she’d been able to lead the line and show the other kids how to do it. I just thought that was brilliant: a positive, encouraging way to get the kids cooperating, coordinating and having fun.

One of the other things we’ve found particularly great at Explorers is the level of feedback and interaction we get as the parents from the staff. Every day there is a board to explain what activities the children have had chance to participate in, and allows you to continue that conversation with your child. And the staff themselves are always, without fail, so willing to discuss how it’s gone for your child that day - what they’re enjoying, how they’re engaging, and any challenges they’ve noticed. It’s also a very personal way to get that feedback – not like incessant photo updates via an app that I’ve seen from other nurseries, which to me, seem to distract from the actual focus on the children.

Another thing we value is the staff’s ability to include parents and children from all walks of life. They are truly welcoming and able to engage families from all backgrounds.

But more than anything, Explorers just has the right approach for us: caring, attentive, professional and creative. The staff always go the extra mile and engage the kids in an encouraging and supportive manner.

Parent - March 2023

Booking Enquiry Form

We are open 38 weeks of the year school terms only. To book a place for your child please complete the form below.
(30 hours funding MUST be applied for before the end of August, December, March)

Thanet Early Years Project

Company Number 4690236. Charity Registration 1100011. Registered in England and Wales.